Thursday, August 5, 2010

Warning- I Have My Mom Hat On!!

Tomorrow I will be the mother of a 1st grader.

Tomorrow I will be the mother of a 1st grader who doesn't want his mom to take him to his first day of school... he wants Daddy to take him. Ultimately, I think this is what is best, considering that last year he cried every morning and sometimes had to be physically taken to the classroom which broke my heart every single day. If he goes with Daddy, he will give him a "See ya", and be off.

Please don't think I'm a horrible mother who is sending her son off into the great unknown of the 1st grade. I did get to go to visit the classroom, meet the teacher, and sit through school wide, mandatory 40 Minutes of Torture "K-12 orientation". The classroom is really cute, his teacher seems super nice- she even greeted him by name when we walked in the classroom!!, and he already has friends in the class. The reality of it is he is 2 doors down from his class last year, and this feels like old-hat to him.

Why am I even spending time on this? I think because it's going to be way more dramatic for me than it is for the Boy. Shoot, it already has been!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It Could Happen

I've had a day. Yes, it's only 1:56pm, but it's still been "a day".

I've considered posting an ad on Craigslist.

Wanted: Caregiver for 2 children who may or may not listen and obey as they will not listen to their mother or to one another. Some dog supervision will also be required for the prevention of lying on blankets that have been pulled into the middle of the floor followed by ingestion of coasters, old Leapsters, books, wall decor, and cardboard boxes. Duration of employment has yet to be determined as it is dependent upon how long it takes aforementioned mother to recover from nervous breakdown. Position available immediately.

Think I'll get any takers?


To say that I've greatly neglected the blog would be an understatement.
It just wasn't something that was even on the radar screen for a good while. Then it had been so long I was starting to feel guilty about it. Then I felt silly about feeling guilty- it is just something floating around in cyberspace that very few, if any, people even read. Then I thought I would get back into blogging, but didn't have a clue as to where to start.
Here we are today... I have need for a creative outlet, but don't have the time or space to really get stuff out and be physically creative. I have decided that I am over all the other stuff and am just going to dive in as if my last post was yesterday. If I mention anything that has happened in the past that you are unaware of you have 2 options; a) play along and pretend that you know what's going on b) shoot me a question and get ready for an appropriately lengthy response so that you are "in the loop". How you'd like to handle the potentially awkward situation is up to you!

Having said all of that... I Really Ought To Be Doing Something Else... but then what would you be doing?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hello World!

Okay, so I didn't follow-through with my hermit theory.

In fact, I spent much of last week out and about- doing many things that were not strictly necessary. I have made progress on the list of stuff though!

All it took was a list. Ahhhh, glorious lists!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Just Call Me Hermit

I informed Husband today that I am going to cancel everything for the next week. I'm not going anywhere unless it is strictly necessary.

My brilliant plan is to use this week long block of time to get all of the little projects done around the house that have been bugging me.

Things like folding 13 loads of laundry; Cleaning out the closet in our bedroom so that we are no longer attacked by the exercise equipment "resting" there (my theory is that since we are not moving it, it is trying to move us... how's that for a creepy thought??!); Vacuuming the outdoor carpet on the screen porch; Scrubbing the funny looking spot at the very top of the 9 foot high wall in the hall; Cleaning the little ledge on the tops of all of the baseboards. Okay, so you get the point.

Do you know what the problem is with my brilliant plan? I have already had not one, but two weeks of having everything cancelled.

Did I get any of these things done? Not one! But I did get to hang out with my kiddos and The Hubs and make some really cool family memories.

I guess 2 extra weeks of wearing protective gear when venturing into the closet was worth it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Not off to a better start, am I?

So I guess I wasn't better about posting yesterday. I do have an excuse though, and I think it's pretty viable.

I was either terribly tired or terribly distracted yesterday. Can't figure out which one it was. Either way, not the best time to blog.

How do I know that it's not just some lame excuse to try and weasel yourself out of the guilt that you may or may not feel about saying you were going to be better about posting and then not following through? (That's probably what you're thinking to yourself- or at least what I would be thinking to myself- right about now...)

My simple answer is this. I closed my own face in the refrigerator door last night.

Now, honestly, aren't you glad that I didn't post yesterday?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Harsh Realities

I realized that it had been a while since posting.

I realized just how long it had been once I had to hack into the account because I couldn't remember the password and all of the 14 guesses that I made were wrong. Oops!

I suppose I should be better about blogging!

Starting... tomorrow?!