Thursday, January 29, 2009

A One Track Mind

I discovered something about myself today.

I simply cannot be Mommy and a rock star on Guitar Hero World Tour at the same time. Every time one of the kiddos' names is even said, I miss a note- and forget it if one of them is drumming on the others' head talking to me. Apparently the "Mommy brain" works more efficiently and effectively than the "Rocker Chick brain".

I guess that's a good thing.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Is It Time For Bed Yet?

Children amaze me.

For some reason, Son was up before I was this morning. When I got up at 5:10am, he was lying in his bed playing his Leapster so I can only imagine what time it was that he actually woke-up!

Whatever it was that caused Son to be up early was apparently contagious, because Daughter was up before 6:00am.

Needless to say, by lunch they were both complete disasters. When I put them each down for a nap (an hour earlier than usual!!), neither would actually sleep. Daughter eventually slept for about 45 minutes, but Son stayed awake.

It is now an hour after they are usually in bed and Daughter was just up talking about being "sirsty" while holding her cup in her hand. Son just went to sleep.

Please note that it is now 8:10pm and I am ready for bed. Why were the kids, that supposedly need more sleep than I do, not falling asleep at the dinner table? I'm ready now to fall asleep sitting at the computer!

It must be one of the perks of youth!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

30 And Loving It!

So I was listening to the morning radio show this morning that I listen to just about every morning and I did something so out of character that I surprised myself.

There was a woman that called and said something that just made me mad. Before I knew what I was doing, I had picked up my cell phone and was talking to the call screener and telling her what radio station I listen to the show on. 30 seconds later I was on the air. I don't think I made my point very eloquently because I was so ticked that I could have crawled though the phone and rung the neck of the previous caller but I did present a different train of thought on the subject, and I think that's what mattered.

When I hung-up the phone, I was shocked that I actually did it! I rant over discuss the many things that I feel passionate about around the house and to Husband all the time, but I actually took this one out in public, and on a national radio broadcast at that!

I have to say, I think turning 30 has made me bold!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Extra Thick, Double Fudge

I have lots of brownie points coming my way. LOTS!!

My birthday is coming... I'll be 30.

There have been packages arriving by UPS and in the mail. I am the only adult home when these packages arrive. They are addressed to me. I know they are for me and I know they are meant for my birthday. Do I open them? No. I do not.

You see, we have a rule about gifts in our family. It is the rule in my house and it is the rule in the house I grew up in. It is as follows; If you find out what your gift is before the gift-giving event (in this case, my birthday) due to snooping or peeking, you do not get the gift, and it will not be replaced, therefore forfeiting your present. Harsh? Maybe a bit. But I will say this... it has proven to be very effective.

Here is where the brownie points work into the system. I could very easily open the packages and see what they are without anyone knowing. The packages come in the early afternoon- usually just as the kids are going down for quiet time- and Husband usually doesn't get home from work for several hours after they come, thereby giving me plenty of time to open, investigate, rewrap, and reseal the packages. Have I done any of this? No. I'll take my brownie points in the double-fudge flavor, please.

My Dad and I were discussing this on the phone yesterday and he asked me if I was trying to set a good example for my kids. I am not. I tried to convince him that it was my inherent goodness that kept me from peeking, but he just laughed at that.

Really? I think I haven't poked around because I am subconsciously blocking the fact that I will be 30. And do you know what's really rude? I was thinking that I had another week and a half before it was my birthday, but it's on Tuesday.

My how 30 sneaks up on you!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Intervention, Anyone?

I have shirked my duties.

I sit here at 9:22pm on a Wednesday night with a sink full of dishes, a chapter of Biology to read, a photo-essay on the Inauguration to compile, and the previously mentioned not-putting-itself-away-laundry to put away. Why is this? And, if I have these things to do tonight, why in the world am I siting at the computer blogging?? It is because I spent nearly 2 hours tonight playing Guitar Hero. By myself. I now have a personalized rocker. Her name is LuLu. She likes purple, pina-coladas, and getting caught in the rain.

Is there a 12-Step program for Guitar Hero yet? Not that I need one. I can quit anytime I want to. Really. I can.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Did You Know?

It seems that no matter what it contains, how long it sits there, or who it belongs to, four loads a basket of laundry will not fold and put itself away.

Trust me.