Tuesday, January 27, 2009

30 And Loving It!

So I was listening to the morning radio show this morning that I listen to just about every morning and I did something so out of character that I surprised myself.

There was a woman that called and said something that just made me mad. Before I knew what I was doing, I had picked up my cell phone and was talking to the call screener and telling her what radio station I listen to the show on. 30 seconds later I was on the air. I don't think I made my point very eloquently because I was so ticked that I could have crawled though the phone and rung the neck of the previous caller but I did present a different train of thought on the subject, and I think that's what mattered.

When I hung-up the phone, I was shocked that I actually did it! I rant over discuss the many things that I feel passionate about around the house and to Husband all the time, but I actually took this one out in public, and on a national radio broadcast at that!

I have to say, I think turning 30 has made me bold!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, by the way! How does it feel to be out of your twenties?

I Really Ought To Be Doing Something Else... said...

Awesome! I have lots of great things ahead of me in the next 30 years! :)

Ashley said...

What did you call in and comment on, you 30-year-old, you?!?