Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Morning Spent With 4 Year Olds

Since I have Tuesday and Thursday mornings completely child-free, I thought I would volunteer to spend some of that time helping in Son's class. Today was my first day and I think it went well. I was able to help the teacher out a little bit since Tuesday mornings her aide is in classes and not there to help. I spent most of the time I was there prepping for projects to come, but got to help with the art project a little bit, too.

It was fun to be there as a "fly on the wall" and just sort-of observe how things went. I heard some very interesting things out of the moths of the kids. My favorite:

"We're so smart!! Are we smart?"

Huh! I'm an adult, and I still have times when I think the exact same thing!

Monday, September 29, 2008


I saw a sign outside of a local store in town the other day. It read:

"My family tree produced a couple of lemons, some nuts, and a few bad apples."

I wonder how long it took that guy to be disinherited?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Welcome, Betsy!

So, Husband has been hogging using the computer a lot lately.

He has been on the hunt for a vw bug. Not a new beetle, but an old bug. He has scoured the whole southeastern US (no joke) for weeks now looking for just the right one. He thought several times that he found "the one", but it just never worked out.

Until yesterday.

Friday night he was getting ready to take an 8 hour drive to TN to look at a bug that was all in pieces when he decided to take one more look around to see if he could find something that was closer, or put together. Well, he found one that was both closer and put together. He called the owner and had a good chat for about 15 minutes followed by a quick decision that this was to be the new addition to our family. He got up on Saturday morning and left the house before 6:00am (ugh... too early on a Saturday for me!!) and off he went. He has a 4.5 hour drive ahead of him, but he was stoked. Please remember that at this point, he still had only seen pictures of the car!

He got there around noon, local time, and discovered that this was truly the car he had been looking for. It started, stopped and ran well. It wasn't nasty rusty. There were no parts falling off of it. It was in our target price range. It was his!! He loaded her up on the trailer, and he headed home. The kiddos and I were all glad to see him roll up with that little tiny car on the trailer. As soon as it was unloaded, we all piled in and took a spin around the block. The kiddos LOVE it, and I think it's awesome.

Husband and I have quite a history with bugs. We have a picture that was taken of us when we were dating that shows me sitting in the driveway next to a bug reading a book while Husband was under the car fixing something. (I'll try to find it and post it in the next couple of days.) It's neat because we get so sit so close... it makes it easy to hold hands. There isn't a radio, so we're forced to have conversation. It will be something that Husband and Son can work on together.

We all loaded into the car- including the 2 car seats in the back, to go to the store and Small Group tonight, what a blast! Such a fun family memory. It's not the car that we will regularly use for our family trips (the big ol' honker that I drive is much more comfortable!!) but it will be fun on occasion.

I'm really excited about our new vehicular addition. Now to be rid of another. Know anyone that is interested in buying a Volvo station wagon?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday

Today's Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday post is something that I know many of you don't appreciate like you should. It is something that, when you heard that I own one of these, you mocked me. Yet, I feel compelled to give it such a place of honor as holding a place on Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday. For your further amazement, I present you with...

That's right folks, it's a Tony Little Gazelle!

Most of you may know this man with the long, curly man-pony-tail and the crazy upbeat personality from your sleepless late-night channel surfing. Or perhaps you know him from a lazy Sunday afternoon doze-on-the-couch-while-trying-to-avoid-watching-baseball-on-TV-with-your-husband. I always thought that it was a joke and that any person who looked that happy while flailing, (somewhat controllably) was probably supplementing with some "natural" remedies, if you know what I mean just a good salesman. Well, I'm here to tell you, that I bought a Gazelle, and I love it. It makes me go Wow! I can get up and exercise without even having to leave my house. Which CPS prefers since I have small children that are usually asleep and Husband is often gone when I use it resulting with me being the only adult- not generally a good idea to leave the kiddos to go for a walk! And really, who doesn't want to look like a gazelle? They are fast, slim, and graceful. They just may be the ballerinas of the African grasslands. My type of gazelle folds very neatly and leans against the wall of my closet when not in use. I can pull it out and in just minutes- including the time it takes for me to get on shoes and socks, pour a glass of water, and grab the remotes- I'm gliding along, looking as happy as a perky man with a wild pony-tail.

Why do I give the Tony Little Gazelle a Wow! That's Wonderful! slot? Because when I use it regularly (please note the words when and regularly) I can look at my thighs and butt and go "Wow! That's Wonderful!"

Monday, September 22, 2008

Shamefully Submitted...

I come to you with my head hanging in shame. I feel really silly about my last post.

I wrote it on Saturday night, just before I went to bed. The next morning, we got up and went to church, as per our usual Sunday routine.

The sermon series that we are going through is called "How to be Rich"... not how to get rich, but how to be rich. It really is all about realizing the fact that we are, in fact rich. If you are reading this right now... you are rich. You have Internet access and free time to spend reading this blog! I am rich, God has blessed me with more than I need. I have Internet access and free time to type this blog! I have plenty to eat, everyday. I get to water my lawn with water that comes out of a hose and is suitable to drink (never mind the water I drink- it comes right out of a little spout in the fridge door and it's cold!). I don't have to carry nasty river water in a bucket on my head to my village every morning. I have walls made of wood, sheet rock, and insulation- not paper or grass. I can get into my car and drive down the road to the hospital when my children are sick- not worry about weather or not they are going to survive the night.

And yet I spend my time with my nose out of joint because the guy who is coming to fix my satellite dish (so that I can sit on my couch and randomly flip through 250+ channels of nothing to watch) was late and didn't bother to call.

Maybe it's time for a bit of an attitude adjustment! How about being grateful for all that I have, and remembering that "I am rich, God has blessed me with more than I need".

Saturday, September 20, 2008


***DISCLAIMER-I feel a bit on the disgruntled side this evening. Please, do not read this if you feel unequipped to handle my disgruntledness. I think I will have Husband make me a delicious liquid treat when I am done posting to see if I can leave my disgruntledness behind. ***

I have not decided to go Pirate, but I can think of no better way to describe the feeling other than "Arrrggg".

We had a HUGE random storm blow through here the other day. The winds were strong enough that they literally blew the gate off the hinges on the fence. Talk about strange. Nothing has been quite right since then. Over the last week, I have spent lots of time on hold with the satellite company (What?? A television provider would keep me on hold? For a ridiculous amount of time? I know it's a stretch, but go with me here!) and with the tech support division of our Internet company. For some reason, we cannot have Internet unless we go through about a gazillion different steps. The computers are running slow as well. I don't know if it has something to do with the power surge during the storm or what. The satellite man finally showed up on Thursday night- at 7:00pm. Of course, I had to be home between 12:00pm and 5:00pm so as not to miss him. It turns out that the only problem with the satellite was that the wind blew hard enough that it actually moved the dish out of position. I was at school when the guy came, but Husband said that it only took him about 15 minuets to get it all fixed.

I fell the need to share "Arrrggg" with you so that you know why I haven't posted the last couple of days. I think we may have found a cure to the no-Internet-in-the-morning situation, so things should run a bit more smoothly from here on out.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday

It's Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday again! Yes! I am using a LOT of exclamation points!

I was thinking through my life and trying to narrow down what I was going to Wow! you all with today and I came up with quite a few options. This one, however, was not one of them. Today, we will veer from the household products that were discussed last week and visit something a little less conventional. Today's Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday topic is... the strikethrough.

I think the strikethrough is Wonderful! for several reasons.

1- It lets you know that I typed something that I really do mean, but want to give you the illusion that I really don't mean it. That way you won't think I'm quite as sassy as I really am sometimes.
2-I just discovered how to use the strikethrough (I mean just discovered it... like 45 seconds ago!) and I now feel so empowered that it made me say Wow! That's Wonderful!

Here I will give you an example of how Wonderful! the strikethrough really is:

It is now 9:00pm and I am ready for bed. A bit early, yes, but seeing as how I am getting old have young children that keep me moving all day and rise with the crazy people at the break of dawn, it seems to me like it would be a good idea to just admit defeat, give up, and go to bed.

And now you see how our Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday invention enriches all the lives that it touches.

Now I'm going to bed.

Monday, September 15, 2008


I have seen this commercial on some tv show about commercials... I do find that it is terribly ironic that we have a DVR and don't watch anything live so that we can skip through all of the commercials, yet will watch a whole show of nothing but commercials, but moving on... and thought it was so cool! Then my Aunt sent me a clip of these guys on the Conan O'Brian show. When I You-tubed them , all kinds of stuff came up! Have I been living under a rock, or what?

Anyway... please note that I am not out stumping for Volkswagen, though they did just come out with an awesome new mini-van, and Husband is a big fan of the bugs. I just thought this was really cool!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Such A Deal!!

I did something the other day that is very unlike me. So unlike me in fact, that I honestly wondered the next day if I dreamed that I did it. So unlike me that when I told Husband what I did, his exact words to me were; "That is so unlike you".

I was reading the MSN Money message board the other day... there is a group of people that saved $200,000 in 6 months- very inspiring to me!!... and stumbled upon the smart buys (or something like that) section. Well, staring me in the face was something that I didn't really need, per se, but something that is very practical and used everyday. I have had trouble finding it in the past, and there it was. Not only was it there and available, but it was cheap! Like, super cheap. I mean c.h.e.a.p. Cheap. (Are you getting that it was really cheap?) So, I saw it, I clicked it, I signed into my account, I clicked again, and it was purchased. I didn't talk to Husband about it. I didn't look around online to see if I could find a better deal somewhere else. I didn't hem-and-haw over weather or not we truly needed it. I didn't mull it over for days wondering if it was really worth spending the money on. I didn't analyze why it was such a good deal. I just bought it. Again, very unlike me.

I checked on my order this evening, and saw that the price has doubled in the last 36 hours. Now I feel like I really got a good deal. It makes me wonder how much I have missed out on all those times I put off making a purchase just so I could think it over, and over, and over only to lose out on the great deal because I spent too much time thinking it over. Hmmm, will this lead to a change in my spending pattern? No, probably not. But next time I see something that I will actually use on a daily basis for 85% off, I certainly won't hesitate to click right away. I have to admit, it makes me feel like a very prudent shopper to know that I got such a good price!

What is this super exciting, amazing, wonderful daily-use thing that I got such a fantastic deal on? Brace yourself for the excitement... silverware. A 45-piece place setting of silverware!! Now that I typed that, I realize just how awfully mundane my life must seem! But whatever... a deal is a deal. If only I could get Husband to find that kind of deal on some diamonds...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thank You

Thank you to all of you who serve our country, thereby serving us.

Thank you to all the families that have sacrificed so much to make this country the amazing place that it is today.

Thank you to all those who remember (and will truly never forget) the day that changed our lives forever.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday

Welcome to Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday. In an attempt to structure my blogging life (please ignore the previous attempt at organization as it fell flat on it's face pretty much right out of the chute), I have deemed Wednesdays to be Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesdays. This will be a day that I will share something that I think is wonderful. It will not be a day for sap to ooze while I gush on and on about how wonderful my husband is, my kids are, my dog is, etc.

No, this will be a day to be in wonder and awe of stuff. Stuff that we all should think is wonderful. Things like... Ziploc baggies with the sliding zipper. Pre-shredded cheese that comes in a resealable bag. The automatic car wash. The floor mat cleaning machine at the automatic car wash. Mr. Dyson and his awesome vacuum. The light bulb. Paint. I think you probably get the point.

Today, for the inaugural Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday, I choose to share my enthusiasm and fondness for the Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush toilet cleaning system. It enables me to clean my toilets and never have to touch a chemical. I open the little container with the scrubbing pads in it, slide the little thingy on the handle to lock the scrubber in place, and scrub away. When mt toilet bowl is sparkling clean and fresh, I simply slide the thingy again and toss the scrubbing pad in the trash. I then store the handle until I need to use it again. Done. Gone are my days of storing a toilet brush and sprinkling that nasty powdery stuff in the bowl. Thank you, Scrubbing Bubbles, for making cleaning my toilets- not a joy, or even a pleasure- tolerable. I think, given the circumstances, that this is a very generous compliment.

And there you have it. Tune in next Wednesday for another edition of Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday. If you have anything that you would like to wonder at... please share it! :)

Catching Up

Contrary to popular belief (or to no one's belief, but whatever...) I have not fallen off the face of the earth. It's just that life has caught up with me.

When school started for son... life kicked up a notch for everyone in our house. We had a pretty relaxed Summer, and now it's time to get moving! Since I last posted...

*My parents were here for what ended-up being a 2 week visit
*I started back to school
*Daughter started school 2 mornings a week
*Husband started back to work
*Both kiddos have been to the Dr.
*1 kiddo has been to the ER
*I have fallen behind on my housework
*I have started back to my weekly Bible study
*We now have 6 guitars in our house
*I have felt guilty for having not yet taken my violin lessons that I got for my birthday (in JANUARY!!)

Since I started this post...

*My children have not stopped crying. They are mad at me. Very. Mad. They are both cranky. With a C_R_A_N_K_Y. They both feel that it is necessary to share their overwhelming crankiness with me. Thank you very much, but I think I'll pass on that one!

****I will now try to get back to your regularly scheduled Blogging.****