Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday

It's Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday again! Yes! I am using a LOT of exclamation points!

I was thinking through my life and trying to narrow down what I was going to Wow! you all with today and I came up with quite a few options. This one, however, was not one of them. Today, we will veer from the household products that were discussed last week and visit something a little less conventional. Today's Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday topic is... the strikethrough.

I think the strikethrough is Wonderful! for several reasons.

1- It lets you know that I typed something that I really do mean, but want to give you the illusion that I really don't mean it. That way you won't think I'm quite as sassy as I really am sometimes.
2-I just discovered how to use the strikethrough (I mean just discovered it... like 45 seconds ago!) and I now feel so empowered that it made me say Wow! That's Wonderful!

Here I will give you an example of how Wonderful! the strikethrough really is:

It is now 9:00pm and I am ready for bed. A bit early, yes, but seeing as how I am getting old have young children that keep me moving all day and rise with the crazy people at the break of dawn, it seems to me like it would be a good idea to just admit defeat, give up, and go to bed.

And now you see how our Wow! That's Wonderful! Wednesday invention enriches all the lives that it touches.

Now I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I love it! Teach me!!