Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sailing, Sailing...

OK, it really should be sale-ing, but that isn't a word and even if it were, I think it would be pretty bad in the grammar department.

We're getting ready for a yard sale around here. Next weekend we will be having a "Large, Multi-family Yard Sale"... at least that's what the signs will all say. Some girlfriends and I are going to be having a yard sale together on Saturday. For this week, that means a messy house... or at least a messy garage. Husband pulled bins down from the attic for me to go through and sort and I have been through the kids' closets.

It's amazing how much stuff there is around here! I discovered that most of the items that we had in the bins in the attic are clothing. Lots of kids' clothes. Like, all the clothes except the clothes worn in the first 3 months of Son's life that the kids have ever worn. Eek.

Let me just leave you with this to ponder... what am I supposed to do with the 21 pairs of underwear- all the same size!!- that my son has outgrown? More to the point... why did he even have 21 pairs of underwear to outgrow?

Friday, July 10, 2009

I Really Have Lost My Mind

What was I thinking?

Son's birthday was yesterday. Happy Birthday, 5 year old!! How did we celebrate? First I made a cake for him to take to school with him (he's doing Parent's Day Out over the Summer, and LOVES it!!). Spider Man was the choice for the school cake. Then he needed a different one for his family "home" birthday cake. Batman was the preferred superhero for that cake. Mix in presents, Husband and I spending the morning filming a segment to show at church, building a backyard obstacle course, 200 water balloons, and a trip to fetch pizza for dinner in a crazy storm, and you've got a pretty full day.

Today is Son's birthday party day. We started by being at the pediatrician by 8:00am for his check-up and immunizations. A rude way to start the day, I must say. Follow that with a flurry of quick trips in and out of a couple stores, home to set up the previously mentioned obstacle course, and cleaning-up the backyard and you will approach lunch. I now have just over 2 hours before a dozen 5-ish year old will descend upon my house, rapidly followed by a trip to Montgomery to fetch my parents who will be here for 10 days. I am still needing to fold laundry, dust, clean the bathrooms, steam the floors, and clean the kitchen. Yesterday is sounding pretty good right about now.

Now, I need to go finish the Transformers cake for the party. First I think I'll have a break-down. Excuse me.