Wednesday, July 28, 2010


To say that I've greatly neglected the blog would be an understatement.
It just wasn't something that was even on the radar screen for a good while. Then it had been so long I was starting to feel guilty about it. Then I felt silly about feeling guilty- it is just something floating around in cyberspace that very few, if any, people even read. Then I thought I would get back into blogging, but didn't have a clue as to where to start.
Here we are today... I have need for a creative outlet, but don't have the time or space to really get stuff out and be physically creative. I have decided that I am over all the other stuff and am just going to dive in as if my last post was yesterday. If I mention anything that has happened in the past that you are unaware of you have 2 options; a) play along and pretend that you know what's going on b) shoot me a question and get ready for an appropriately lengthy response so that you are "in the loop". How you'd like to handle the potentially awkward situation is up to you!

Having said all of that... I Really Ought To Be Doing Something Else... but then what would you be doing?

1 comment:

Malissa said...

Oh I know the feeling...even though I don't 'blog' exactly I am so behind on the photos for the family blog I don't even know where to start day I will. One day!