Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Catching Up

Contrary to popular belief (or to no one's belief, but whatever...) I have not fallen off the face of the earth. It's just that life has caught up with me.

When school started for son... life kicked up a notch for everyone in our house. We had a pretty relaxed Summer, and now it's time to get moving! Since I last posted...

*My parents were here for what ended-up being a 2 week visit
*I started back to school
*Daughter started school 2 mornings a week
*Husband started back to work
*Both kiddos have been to the Dr.
*1 kiddo has been to the ER
*I have fallen behind on my housework
*I have started back to my weekly Bible study
*We now have 6 guitars in our house
*I have felt guilty for having not yet taken my violin lessons that I got for my birthday (in JANUARY!!)

Since I started this post...

*My children have not stopped crying. They are mad at me. Very. Mad. They are both cranky. With a C_R_A_N_K_Y. They both feel that it is necessary to share their overwhelming crankiness with me. Thank you very much, but I think I'll pass on that one!

****I will now try to get back to your regularly scheduled Blogging.****


Anonymous said...

Hi Cousin! I've really enjoyed reading your blog! I hope the kiddos have been kind to you today ;)

Ashley said...

School? Tell us more about that!