Friday, August 22, 2008

Not Much To Say

I don't really have much to post, but I feel as if I should since it's been a while. So, here are just a few things going on in my house:

-We have a new Friend that came to visit us today. Her name is Fay. Some of you mat have heard of her. We'll see how long she stays around.

-Son is still loving school. He thinks it is the greatest thing to be able to go every day. I am soooo glad that he likes it. It has changed his attitude around the house, too- always a plus to have a happy kid.

-Daughter is really enjoying her alone time with Mommy and Daddy. She is very excited when "Bruder" gets home for the day though!

-Husband is enjoying being at home, I think. Since his surgery was last week, he still has a week and a half before he has to go back to work. I'll miss having him around during the day.

-I registered for school on Thursday. That could be a post in and of itself. Maybe tomorrow. I will start on Tuesday of next week.

-My parents are coming for a visit. They will be here for 10 days. We are looking forward to having them around and being able to spend time with them!

Husband just cam in and informed me that I am missing the 50m Men's Race Walk. You all know just how much "I love me some" Race Walk (some more Southern vernacular for you). I hope the skinny little guys git to the end of their race to no where quickly!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I am missing your regular blogging. Hope all is well...come back!!