Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Funniest Thing I Have Seen In A Long Time

Husband had shoulder surgery on Thursday, so we have been doing a whole lot of nothing as a family for the last several days. That happens to work out well since it is time for the Olympics.

Husband has the DVR set to record all the Olympic coverage we can get. As we don't get NBC at our house, we don't get to watch the "good"Olympics. You know, all the stuff that people really want to watch. Swimming, diving, gymnastics... Instead we get things like handball, white water rafting, table tennis, field hockey, weight lifting, air-rifle... and the crowning glory of all the cast-off Olympic sports (please note that I use the term "sports" loosely here) race walking. Are you kidding me? Race walking? I thought that was something ladies did to try and shrink their hip size!

We turned the recorded Olympics on tonight after the kids got into bed (as has become our custom for the last few nights) and on came the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. Mens' 20km Race Walk. If you are in the mood for a giggle, check out all the skinny little men with their hips waggling along, trying their hardest to get somewhere (or no where since they are on a set loop course) quickly without running. Husband said he thought they needed some good music playing as a sound track- something along the lines of "What Is Love"... think Chris Kattan and Will Ferrell. I said they needed to have polyester jogging suits and hips about a mile wide. I just can't help thinking of the stereo-typical group of older ladies that "power walked" downtown in the evenings of the small town that I grew up in. I can't laugh too hard though, as the reason I saw those ladies so often is because I was out there with them!!

And now... I have been "tagged" by my friend over at Some People Call Me Mom. But, I'm going to cheat and wait until tomorrow to share and to tag others. I have some more obscure Olympic sport coverage to watch tonight.


CarlaMom2AnSnM said...

Ok, this totally brought back 6th grade memories! My teacher..grrrr...don't remember her name - she had us, her students, out there doing the power walking thing for PE. We had to shake our hips just like her LOL. Too funny! And, why don't you get NBC?!?!

Ashley said...

Did you see the trampoline competition? I'm sure it was just as funny as the power walkers!! I wish I would have seen them!