Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Caught You!

Daughter has recently decided that she doesn't really need to stay in bed once we put her to bed. That means that we spend about 20 minutes putting her back into bed after we already put her to bed for the night. I think I figured out that if I cut her nap off early, she will just stay in for the night once she is down.

Today though, because selfish honesty here... I wanted to watch the end of a show on HGTV without interruptions (I know... so important!!) I let her sleep a little longer than usual. Needless to say, she has been up several times since putting her to bed. I thought I heard her up preparing to squish herself against the door to peek under it so I jumped up, quickly got to the door and flung the door open in hopes of catching her in the act and, therefore, teaching her that Mommy really does know what is going on even when she is not in the same room and you are supposed to be asleep.

So I'm thinking to myself "HA! Caught you!!"... and then I look over and see the precious little sleepy head snuggled deep into her bed, cuddling Bear- right where I left her. Nice going, Mom! Way to show Daughter just how smart you really are!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

LOL! That is too funny! Cutting off some time from her nap - smart idea!