Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Google Makes Me Giggle

I discovered something last night that I really got a kick out of. This is only going to add to the mounding pile of evidence that I am indeed a nerd... but try this:

Google "Eyebrow floss" and see what you get. Go ahead, I'll wait...

That's right! I Really Ought To Be Doing Something Else is #2 on the list of results. That makes me giggle. (When you Google me, I giggle!) I realize that this is not a major- or even minor, I don't think- accomplishment in life, but I still think it's pretty cool.


Anonymous said...

That is so cool! I'm envious... :-P

Anonymous said...

It's called threading. It originated in the Middle East. A girl did a presentation on it in one of my Comm classes

Ashley said...

You are famous now!!