Monday, July 14, 2008

Can You Get What In Writing?

I was in my bathroom putting on my lipstick this morning and Son wandered in to see if there was anything exciting going on. Apparently the most exciting thing going on in our house at 7:30 in the morning is me applying lipstick since he stuck around for a while. We were chatting about something (I can't remember what it was) and he says to me, "You know, since I'm 4 now I'm not going to fuss." My immediate response to this statement was "Awesome. Can I get that in writing?" Well, that just opened a whole new can of worms. "Can you get what in writing? What does that mean? Where do you want me to write something?" How do you explain the concept of a contract to a 4- year old? Thinking back on it, I could have done a much better job of explaining it than I did, but I only had a cup and a half of coffee in my system at that point, so I'll cut myself a little slack.

Anyway... after several attempts of explanation into just the basics of a contract, Son was frustrated and so was I. He didn't get it, and I didn't know how else to explain it. Son really likes to know everything there is to know about anything and he just wasn't getting it. So what is the natural progression for a frustrated 4- year old? You guessed it... he fussed about it.

I knew I should have gotten it in writing when I had the chance.


Ashley said...

LOL! What a cute kiddo story. (And 4 already - phew!)

CarlaMom2AnSnM said...

I know, you wrote this 2 months ago, but I'll comment anyway - if son is anything like Alyssa, the phrase, "It's just a figure of speech" will come up often. This is the only way I can explain why I don't actually JUMP in the shower, or HOP out of the car, or do any other numerous things that I apparently say I'm going to do LOL.