Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer In The South

Summer in the south includes lots of sun in the morning, humidity all day and thunderstorms in the late afternoon and evening.

Today was the first BIG thunderstorm we have had this year. The black clouds rolled in very quickly and the thunder started in fast. We lost power a couple of times... not enough to really throw things off, just long enough for us to have to reset the clocks. The thunder literally shook the house. The lightening was close enough at one point that I thought there was a chance of it actually hitting the house (not that I can be at all dramatic or anything). It did hit one of the neighbors fields. The rain was torrential... we actually watched the rain head to our house. It truly is a bizarre thing to see. Of course, I spent 45 minutes watering plants and bushes this afternoon before we got the 1/2 inch of rain. That's OK- we're all about letting God water our lawn for us. In fact, it is not unusual to hear Husband, Son or I saying "Thanks for the water, God!" during a rain shower.

I checked the weather online (which isn't surprising as I check the weather about 5 times a day... maybe I should be a weather girl?!) and we have thunderstorms and rain in the forecast for the next 10 days. We are super excited about that! We desperately need the rain around here... until today we hardly have had any rain for the last month. If we can take some of the rain for the poor folks in the Midwest right now, we'll do all we can!


Malissa said...

Please you can have some of our rain too. We have had rain for what seems like two months straight and had a tornado pass close by the house (imagine O, Z, and I all running to hide in the little half bath downstairs, not pretty) and lost power for two full days! Of course right after that the weather went from the 80s to the 100+s with the heat index. Ahhh, weather in the south! Wait is Virginia really the south?

Ashley said...

I love thunderstorms but not when it means lightning might strike my house or bring tornadoes with it.:-( Icky!!It hasn't rained here in forever. Please send it our way!