Monday, June 2, 2008


It's June. How do I know? Not because the calendar says it is. Because we had June Bugs last night. Did I see any when I was outside on the night of May 31st? Nope. June 1st? Yep.

June Bugs... the most dependable calendar there is. Yuck.


Anonymous said...

That's way better than scorpions.

Scorpions! Tarantulas!

These are the things I get to look forward to.

The kids don't play with them. Do they? June bugs have always intrigued me for some reason...

I Really Ought To Be Doing Something Else... said...

The kiddos don't play with them. However, my husband has been known to wrangle them and fly them around. I knew there had to be some strange connection between you two!

Ashley said...

June Bugs are disgusting. I hope they go away on June 30!!