Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

I was walking into the house a while ago after putting the hose on the trees and thought, "Ugh. It is nasty humid, windy, cloudy, and just plain icky. It's too humid for me to be comfortable."

Then it hit me. I was suddenly so overwhelmed that it literally brought me to tears.

Here I am griping that I am uncomfortable because it's humid and I had to go out to water the trees so that they won't die. Today, thousands of years ago a perfect man was unfairly arrested, unjustly tried, brutally beaten and hung on a cross to die- I'm sure being more than just a bit uncomfortable- so that I will never have to die.

So really, who cares about the humidity. It is indeed, Good Friday!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I read this post on Good Friday and it really spoke to me - thank you!!