Monday, April 27, 2009

I Did It...

I now am on Facebook.

Maybe I'll be better at that than I am about posting here! Don't bet on it though...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Food On A Stick Friday

Each Friday we have some sort of a family night. Previously it has mostly consisted of pizza and a movie, but the circumference of my waist was beginning to object we decided that it was time for a change. No pizza tonight, and probably not for many Friday nights to come. We have decided that it will be food on/ with a stick Fridays around here. Meaning, of course, that the whole meal will consist of food that is either served on a stick (see tonight's menu) or eaten with sticks (usually of the chop- variety). Our menu for tonight...
*Corn dogs
*Apple squares on a stick
*Cheese kabobs (cheese hunks on a toothpick, but cheese kabobs sound so much classier as if classiness were a factor at a meal whose main dish is a molded meat-product shoved on a stick, dipped in mushed-up dried corn, and then fried...)

I have to say, I think it was the most popular meal that I've made in quite a while. Long live Food on a stick Fridays!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wow! That's Wonderful Wednesday!

Today's Wow! That's Wonderful Wednesday...

Check this out...

I know that it's a bit long, but be sure that you watch all the way to the end. It really is wonderful!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

I was walking into the house a while ago after putting the hose on the trees and thought, "Ugh. It is nasty humid, windy, cloudy, and just plain icky. It's too humid for me to be comfortable."

Then it hit me. I was suddenly so overwhelmed that it literally brought me to tears.

Here I am griping that I am uncomfortable because it's humid and I had to go out to water the trees so that they won't die. Today, thousands of years ago a perfect man was unfairly arrested, unjustly tried, brutally beaten and hung on a cross to die- I'm sure being more than just a bit uncomfortable- so that I will never have to die.

So really, who cares about the humidity. It is indeed, Good Friday!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Not Inherent?

Whoever said that the only differences between boys and girls are what we have taught them has never spent any time in my house.

At dinner this evening, Daughter graced us with a rendition of "Mary Had a Little Lamp". Shortly after she was finished, Son piped up with "So, let's talk about dinosaurs and blood".

And it's all what I've taught them?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rain, Rain, and More Rain

The current weather prediction for our area is that by the end of the night tonight, there will have been 10+ inches of rain that has fallen over the last 5 days, 6 of which are supposed to fall this afternoon.

It has turned my children into wild monkeys.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wow! That's Wonderful Wednesday

Welcome back, Wow! That's Wonderful Wednesday!
This week's wonderfulness...

Chocolate. In any form.

Enough said.