Sunday, May 25, 2008

Home Again!

We are finished travelling for a while. We thoroughly enjoyed our time on the West Coast visiting with family and friends, but we are glad to be home as well. We sort-of feel like we need a vacation from our vacation! Just a small run down of our trip...

-Fly across the country with 2 small children.
-Stay @ parents' for 2 nights.
-Drive for 12 hours with 2 small children to AZ. Discover along the way that small child #2 has an infection in both ears and in one eye. (Make this discovery by looking into back seat of car to make sure that small child #1 isn't going to throw up again and noticing green stuff seeping out of the eye of small child #2.)
-Spend night in hotel.
-Spend 3 hours beaming with pride that Daddy/ Husband is really and truly a college graduate.
-Drive 2 hours to visit with family. Lots of cousins and lots of good food!!
-Drive what is supposed to be a 10+ hour drive in just over 8 hours.
-Stay 2 nights @ parents'.
-Leave Husband, Son and Daughter in CA while Mom and I fly and visit my grandmother in WA for 3 days.
-Throw grad. party for Husband less than 24 hours after getting back to parents'. (After leaving Husband, Son and Daughter- along with Grandpa- home for 3 days.)
-Mother's Day
-Visit with cousin and cousin's cutie-pie little one for the morning.
-Visit with old roomie and catch-up. All that lacks from times gone by- Hostess cupcakes and wine coolers.
-Spend 3 nights @ parents'.
-Drive 2 hours up the mountain with 2 small children. (Please note... no vomiting!)
-Stay @ cabin 4 nights. Parents visit night #1, friends (2 Mom and Dad, 4 children) visit nights #2-4. Lots of fun, even with 6 children 10 and under in a less-than-1400-sq. ft-cabin. Not relaxing, but lots of fun!
-Drive 2 hours down the mountain with 2 small children. (Only a bit of nausea this time!)
-Spend 2 nights @ parents.
-Drive 4 hours with small children. Wait in airport for 2 hours before getting on a plane... with 2 small children who are now WAY past their bed time.
-Fly red-eye across country with 2 small sleeping children.
-Get in car and drive home. (Read: I sleep all the way home, Husband drives!!)

Add in 5 or 6 trips to In-N-Out, and you have our trip "home" in a nutshell.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Loved seeing you (as always). You are a dear friend and I wish we lived closer! Glad you made it home safely.