Monday, June 2, 2008

It's 9:00... Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

I know where my children are.

Daughter is laying on the floor in her room squishing her fingers under the door and saying "Mommy? Mommy? Mommy?".

Son is out of bed wandering around to tell me that he has "the most hiccups all the time".

And believe it or not, Husband has been sacked out on the couch for the last hour. (Not that he is one of my children, but I thought you might like to know anyway.)

What is going on in this house? Kiddos are usually in bed by 7:15 at the latest and asleep not long after that. Husband and I are usually in bed by 10:00 at the earliest (and asleep about 3 seconds after our heads hit the pillow!). Is it the knowledge that outside our house it's Summer time? Is it the knowledge that out in the yard it is not nearly as hot as it was this afternoon and might therefore actually be enjoyable to play on the swing set (except that we are experiencing about 4000% humidity right now)? Maybe it's the fact that the kiddos know that Daddy is asleep and feel the need to keep me company until my quilt finally finishes drying in the dryer (they are pretty sweet like that!) and I can go to bed myself.

Whatever it is, I Really Ought To Be Doing Something Else... like sorting through the large USPS Priority Mail box that I have stuffed full of papers (mostly junk mail, I think) to organize. It has been looking at me all day. I guess I should get to it now- I am afraid that if I ignore it any longer, it will crawl into bed with me in the middle of the night just so that I can't ignore it in the morning. Not such a nice thing to wake up to... unless it is bring me my coffee.


Malissa said...

What I really want to know is how you get your kiddos in bed by 7:15 regularly. I need to know the secret, currently O goes to bed when I do and because of that I go to bed way to early!

I Really Ought To Be Doing Something Else... said...

They key to being in bed by 7:15 is a good routine, followed by more stubbornness than they have to make them stay in bed!

Ashley said...

I so admire your schedule!! I could totally envision your kiddos and hubby when I was reading your post - you are a clever writer! (I always knew that about you though!:-)) Did you get your sorting done? I hate chores like that!