Thursday, March 19, 2009

Updates and $22.48

Surgery went well for Husband. He is quite the trooper and is recovering very well. Surgery was on Friday, and Sunday morning he was sitting in church. Yay! He now has 30 days off for recovery. It's too bad (for me) that he is one-armed right now, because I can think of a million things that he could help me with if he had 2 functioning arms over the next month. Oh well. I will just enjoy his company while I do the stuff myself.

My mom is coming in from CA tomorrow and will spend 10 days with us. Her timing could not have been more perfect! Husband will still be recuperating and the kiddos will be on Spring break the whole time she is here. I however, have school, so it will be nice from Hubby to have a second set of hands to help out.

I went to Target this morning to grab some eye-cream (I am currently fixated on finding one that works well and doesn't cost so much that I will have to dip into the kids' college funds [but hey, at least they wouldn't have a wrinkly old hag of a mom!!] just the right one) and I wandered back to the garden department. I was looking at a wood bench for our back patio and I found one that I liked... priced for $22.48. It is made of ash, looks frighteningly like my dining room chairs, and was crazy cheap. After making sure that the numbers on the tag actually matched the numbers on the bench, I called a guy over to ask if that was really the right price suspecting that it wasn't. He said that if it was marked that way then that was the price I should get, and even wrote the price and his name on the tag. Of course when we got to the register it rang-up as $99.99, but they still gave me the $22.48 price!! I am so excited about what a good deal it was! I almost asked them to check the back for any more, but I thought that might be pushing my luck. Whatever, though! A $100 bench for $22.48! Awesome!! What makes it super awesome is the fact that it is just right for the back porch. Yay!!

Thanks, Jesus, for the gift of a good surgeon, my mom's pending visit at just the right time, and an awesome bench that we so didn't need but is just what we wanted! :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Slice Em and Dice Em

Just to be very honest with you right up front, Husband does not like the title of this post. Just because I am ornery tonight, I am going to leave it.

Tomorrow will be a LONG day at our house. Husband has shoulder surgery number 3 in the morning. We have to be there at 6:15am. Ick.

When we were taking about the plan for tomorrow with the kiddos at dinner, we discussed that when the kids got in the car in the morning to go to our friends' house they would still be in their jammies. Son asked me if I would still be in my jammies too, and the most proper response that I could come up with was "I will wish that I was".

Anyway, I have to be up at pre-o'dark thirty 4:30am tomorrow, so I'm headed to bed. If you happen to be up at 7:15am (CST), please pray that surgery goes well and that they don't find any surprises once they get in there!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Really? In the Family Room?

Can someone please tell me exactly how toothpaste got on the inside of the recliner arm?

The bathroom toothbrushing room is completely across the house!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The "Grass" is Always Greener...

I was looking out my kitchen window at lunch today and I noticed that things are looking decidedly greener than they were a couple of days ago. Marvelous! As I was washing dishes I told Husband how excited I was that Spring was finally "in the air".

His response? "You do realize that those are weeds, right?"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Yes, Ma'm

I had a first today.

I went to the jeweler to have my pearls restrung.

Aren't I a good Southern girl?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cleanse and Purge...

I have 3 things I need to confess.

1- I am blogging right now because I do not want to face the disaster that is my house.
There is not a single kid book on the book shelf, there are dishes to be done, and clutter to be de-cluttered. I don't want to do any of it right now, so I am doing this instead.

2- I was doing fairly well with "Wow! That's Wonderful Wednesdays", but now I'm not.
I wasn't very (not that I am now) consistent with blogging for a while there and I fell off the WTWW bandwagon. I am considering getting back on. What do you think?

3- I am in a funk.
My biology class is beating me down. I am pretty far above the class average, but I think the class average is WAY too low to be considered. I am only taking the class one night a week, for a 5-hour stretch (who thought that was a good idea??!) and I am finding that it is difficult to keep up with the amount of info that the instructor bombards us with on Tuesday nights. I leave feeling like my brain has become isotonic with it's biological surroundings and that for every piece of new information that goes in, an old one goes out. A nice method for your underwear drawer, not so much for your education. Oh well, this too shall pass. The true question is will I?

OK- Now that I have shared my funk, I am off to shovel out the house, scrub my face, get in my jammies, and settle in to see who makes it to the next round of American Idol (while having a glass of wine and some Girl Scout cookies). That should make for a nice end to a very long day!